Frankie Negron

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The Influence of War on Hayao Miyazaki and Japanese Cinema

To call Hayao Miyazaki the Japanese Walt Disney is an inaccurate comparison, considering that in Japanese culture animation is something that is not considered childish or is looked down upon. Animation is treated with the same seriousness as live action films, in fact, it is a serious subject in Japanese cinema that follows the same process of aging and maturity that the live actions films went through. One of them being the great influence that war has had on Japanese cinema, which, to understand that influence, one has to understand the influence of war on Japanese culture.

War has a significant place in the Japanese culture, seeing that the culture itself has a deep seated root in war like customs. The difference with that of occidental cultures is that war is accepted as a part of daily life and is ritualized into a path called Bushidō or The Way of the Warrior, which is a reference to the strict and detailed set of values that the Japanese adhere to. The values stress honor and loyalty, to family and country, above all else, being the moral principles that the samurais lived by. 

It is that principle which lives on in many of the films within Japanese cinema, the deeply ingrained sense of loyalty and honor to a set standard of ideals. Japanese cinema itself is one of the oldest and largest of its kind in the world, it’s history spanning from 1898 to current day films. The kinetoscope was no grand invention that astounded the Japanese, they already had a variation of it known as the gentō (magic lantern). As such, when the kinetoscope was first presented in Japan in 1896, the first ghost films had been made by 1898 with the first successful film having occurred the year prior. 

Kabuki, Japanese theatre consisting of dancing and singing with elaborate costume and makeup, heavily influenced the first films. The elaborate makeup, leading to exaggerated gestures and motions, led to theatrical films that did not rely on cinematic techniques to tell the story but rather relied on benshi, storytellers, to narrate silent films within the theaters. Music accompanied the storytellers in the theaters. This led to heavy criticism by film journals and critics of the day, though, the storytellers disappeared with the appearance of sound in the 1930s. 

The Pure Film Movement occurred in the twenty years before the advent of sound in the 1930s, a style of film that desired more cinematic techniques in storytelling rather than relying on the traditional and theatrical techniques taken from kabuki and benraku ( puppet theater). Long takes were the norm, since, storytellers were relied upon to tell the story, there was no need of experimenting with takes and cuts. It was the opposite of that the Pure Film Movement pushed for, to experiment with shots and cuts in order to create a cinematic story that relied on the shooting style, the screenplay, and, an analytical style of editing rather than a narrator. There was also the fact that female roles were played by onnagata (young males dressed to appear female) which the critics rejected in favor of actresses playing the female roles. Many of the critics became filmmakers in an attempt to change the manner in which the Japanese cinema was forming. The movement was successful in that the films moved to this style, even though storytellers were still relied upon until the 1930s. 

Period dramas (jidaigeki) as well as contemporary dramas (gendai­geki) gained in popularity. The period dramas being based upon historical context, they usually were set in the Edo period (1603-­1868) but reached as far back as the later years of the Heian period (794-­1185). Many of them were based upon legends or folktales, fantastical or commonplace stories that had a moral backbone. As such, censorship was heavily prevalent in the industry to prevent anything that would damage the principles of loyalty and honor that were and still are considered an important aspect in Japanese culture today. 

While the protagonists of many of these films were male, the opposite holds true for the animated films produced by Hayao Miyazaki’s Studio Ghibli. Unlike the near war shrines that the majority of Japanese cinema is filled by, Studio Ghibli films stand to the contrary since they are against conflict and war, even the controversial T he Wind Rises was not a tribute to a militaristic society but it is the story of a man whose lifelong love for flying leads him to the creation of the A­6M World War II plane in a turbulent time. His dream had only been to create planes but he did not live in a time of peace, thus, his hand and talent was forced. The film was a commentary on not only the historical Jiro Horikoshi, the aviation engineer, but on Hayao Miyazaki’s own father who made his fortune during World War II thanks to his airplane parts factory. 

Hayao Miyazaki, one of the founders of Studio Ghibli, and perhaps the most well known, lived through World War II as a child. He saw the horrors and duality of the war, and, because of that, developed his anti­war stance that is reflected in his work. In his films such as Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Porco Rosso, and Princess Mononoke, the common premise is that the protagonist of the film (often the titular character) is strongly against war and is willing to defend peace at any cost. That cost has been, in the case of Nausicaä, her life, albeit temporarily, in order to stop a battle. 

These themes are repeated among his work, tied in with the traditional Japanese principles of honor and loyalty, but, rather than focusing on militaristic might and honor that is gained through combat, his protagonists seek fulfillment through peace and scientific knowledge as well as through communing with nature. His films are created with the idea of peace in mind, not through superior might, but through common understanding and the knowledge that hate does nothing but breed hate in return. 

That concept is one that has become common in Japanese cinema, often referred to as the “power of love”, either romantic or platonic, in the industry. It is love and peace rather than war and hate that is searched for and presented as the standard that Studio Ghibli has established. The goal of many Japanese features is to prevent conflict while still maintaining loyalty to one’s morals, to prevent the cycle of hate that has occurred since time immemorial. 


Works Cited 

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