

Filmmaker, Writer, Pizza Enthusiast

Frankie Negrón is an author who enjoys working with different media, from poetry to prose to screenwriting. She enjoys writing high fantasy and science fiction that draws heavily upon German Romanticism. When writing, her style is such to create a dream-like world that’s similar to reality, but leaves you feeling off center after reading and questioning your understanding of reality. Her newest project is Forest Song, an RPG game based off of German legendary creatures and the legends of the Black Forest that will be released in 2019.

An avid writer, she has no preferred form of media and writes for the sake of writing. Frankie believes that writing showcases the soul and a person’s inner emotions; that writing conveys emotional depth and serves as memories that future generations can look back on. Writing is an art form that is ever evolving, it isn’t stagnant. As such, she is constantly expanding her repertoire. She first began writing prose and poetry, and later moved on to writing screenplays. Recently she’s entered the world of interactive fiction.

Frankie’s inspiration draws from her travels around the world as well as from her love of history. Her adventures, from the Caribbean to Europe and Asia, all which deeply influenced her writing. It created an appetite for weaving together cultures and getting her hands on all types of literature and entertainment. These adventures, from exploring the longest cave in Germany to accidentally ending up at the Hong Kong city morgue at midnight, are some of the experiences that serve as inspirations for her writing. Academically, she’s just as adventurous. She went to high school in the fairytale state of Bavaria in Germany before she graduated in South Korea. Afterwards, she completed her BFA in Digital Film & Video Production at Miami International University of Art & Design before completing her MFA in Creative Writing at Full Sail University.



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